Monday, January 11, 2016

One Good Thing (or perhaps a few)

The latest blogging prompt from the MTBoS was just released.  I've got to say, prompts work for me. So do premade whatchamacallits. :)

Ok, well here are my good things for today.

  • I finished creating editable copies of ALL of the NC Final released exams. Now I can copy & paste into other worksheets, packets, notes, activities, & games to my heart's content. I also made a smart notebook file for each one with one slide per question, with a hint & answer key "hidden" on the bottom of the page. If you're in NC and want the files, email me with what subjects you'd like. (Math 1, 2, 3, AFM, & Precal, or everything!)
  • I found Lauren Russell's weebly. If you're in NC and a Math 1 teacher, this is a BIG DEAL. She's created a mini-NC-based-MTBoS inside of Google Drive. And you can join. She has prep packets, practice tests, and tons of other awesome activities. Seriously, her page is a WEALTH of resources, and I'm super grateful she shares with everyone.
  • I also found and I'm super excited to start digging through these resources. It's going to take me a LONG time to just get through the gems sections (a collection of 5 amazing math ideas per week. There's an archive! #bliss)
  • The MTBoS search engine is something I didn't know existed. I know now. I'm definitely on resource overload these days, trying to gear up for the start of second semester! This is now a permanent tab in my browser.
  • I found out that my grandfather taught my boss's dad in high school in Madison County years ago! They both left Mars Hill in the 70s/80s, but have been back there for several years now, and live within 5 minutes of each other. My boss & I have been spending Christmases about a mile apart without knowing it (even though we live about 3 hours from there)! Small world!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting these resources! I frequently use the NC unpacked standards with my teachers when we are trying to figure out what a standard means. It is awesome! It is pretty clear that NC teachers are ahead of the game with their materials! So thankful it is available to all of us. I also hadn't realized there was a search engine for MTBoS, so thanks for mentioning that! :) Ann Elise
